Thursday, August 14, 2014

FIAT Group Meet-up Sunday 17 August 2014

Lancia Scorpion get's a “Thumbs Up!”
UPDATE:  Nice turn-out on Sunday!  Several members from the Southern AZ Panteras club joined us to discuss the upcoming Picnic on the Peak Sunday Drive to Kitt Peak.  We also talked about who is going to Le Bellezze D' Italia in Phoenix and/or Cars in the Park in Sierra Vista - both are on Saturday October 11.

Panteras ready to prowl!
Our upcoming Fall Dinner will be at Romas! This will be a joint event with the Southern AZ Panteras club.  Dave will make the necessary arrangements and a RSVP for that event will come out soon.  

Rally Revival!!!  Remember those time/distance rallies that would end up at a restaurant?  The Southern AZ Panteras club would like to bring those back!  Let's help make that happen.  If you have any experience with this type of event and would like to help in the planning send Dave a note > here. <


Photo:  Tucson Coffee Roasters
Our monthly meet-up will be at Tucson Coffee Roasters.  We'll meet at their Tucson location in the Basha's Shopping Center (3225 N Swan Road ste 111) at the NW corner of Camp Lowell & Swan from 9:00AM to 10:00AM-ish.

Things to discuss are:
  • Tech Day - A member has offered his services to help with oil changes, brakes etc.  Let's pick a day!
  • Picnic on the Peak - Sunday Drive to Kitt Peak September 14, 2014 - This is going to be a shared event with the Southern AZ Panteras club.  We are the primary coordinator for this event. Let's discuss the details of where to meet-up, what to bring, and other logistics.
  • Cars in the Park in Sierra Vista October 11, 2014 - Who is going?  Are you going to show your ride?  Let's go as a group!

If you're not a member but checking out this blog feel free to stop by and say hello!

Looking forward to seeing you at TCR this Sunday morning!


1 comment:

  1. Hope to see you there for the planning and details.

    Testing my new account access.

