Monday, July 27, 2015

Photo Shoot at Pima Air & Space Museum - Photos

Photo: John Bezosky
The photo shoot at Pima Air & Space Museum was a great success.  The weather cooperated and we had a nice turn out for the event.  We had participants from as far away as San Diego, CA (the president of the Pantera Owners Club of America - POCA) and Phoenix, AZ join us here in Tucson.

A special "thank you" to John Bezosky at Pima Air and Space Museum for hosting the event and coordinating access for us!  He made the event seem effortless which lets us know he did a lot of work behind the scenes to make sure it came off without any problems.

A link to a FIAT club album that gives a representative sample of the event can be seen > here.<

The Arizona chapter of the Pantera Owners Club of America (AZPOCA) has an event album that can be seen by selecting > here.<

Check out these pictures from Threshold Photography of the event by selecting > here.<
(NOTE: You will need to enter your email address on the photographer's site to see the pictures.  Also - be advised that the pictures are watermarked.)

Links to more pictures will be added as they are made available from the participants.