
In a Nutshell:
  • Vision:  A group of friendly Southern Arizona Italian car owners that get together to have fun, share knowledge, and serve the community.
  • Mission:  Provide Italian automobile owners and their spouses/significant others of Southern Arizona a place to be, things to do, and people with which to share their experiences and create new experiences while having fun with their Italian automobiles.
  • Charter:  In development
  • Dues:  None.  Events are pay-as-you-go. 
  • Sponsors:  Sponsors are welcome.  A link to their business or association is placed on the front page of the blog.  Members are encouraged, but not required, to patronize the services offered by our sponsors.
  • Logo: 
  • Apparel:  None, yet.

The Longer Story:
Started in July 2013 the Fun Italian Automobiles of Tucson (F.I.A.T.) group was born out of the fact that the only place Italian cars are seen are at car shows or the local Cars & Coffee meeting held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at La Encantada.  Several mechanics, car shows attendees, dealerships, etc. were asked if there is an Italian car club in Tucson and the answer was "Go to Cars & Coffee" or typically just a plain "No."  A look around the area revealed that there are clubs/groups for Corvettes, British cars, Volkswagens, Jeeps, Hummers, Camaros, even Miatas.  There is an Italian restaurant about every mile in Tucson (OK, that's an exaggeration).  One would think that there would be an Italian car club!  It seems that most events related to Italian cars are in Phoenix.  For example, Arizona American Italian Club puts on a car show every other October.    Even the "local" chapter of Fiat Club of America (formerly Fiat Lancia Unlimited - FLU) is in Phoenix.  There's definitely an interest here in Tucson for an Italian car club or group, there just hasn't been one publicly available, until now.  In August 2014 the Southern Arizona Pantera Club extended an offer to participate in and co-host events with the F.I.A.T. club and this has become a valued partnership.

This Italian car interest group is a grassroots effort that currently has one or two sponsors but no advertising other than Craigslist, Italian car-related forums, and word-of-mouth.  Publicity and recognition of the group will take some time and dedicated effort from its members.  Everything is voluntary and gatherings / events are pay-as-you-go.  This group has no dues or fees.  Everyone is welcome!

Sponsors are welcome!  Examples of sponsors are local dealerships, parts suppliers, repair, restoration, or modification businesses or other organizations/groups.  To discuss being  a sponsor, use the contact form on the Home page or contact the blog owner directly at agavefactor<AT>gmail.com.

What's the Plan?
The plan is to have a meeting and/or some sort of event each month.  The meet-up / event calendar is available from the Calendar of Events tab from the home page of the blog. Most of our events are non-competitive and are leisure in nature.

Who Do I Contact for More Information?
For more information contact the blog owner at agavefactor<AT>gmail.com.

As always, F.I.A.T. events are pay-as-you-go and participation is at your own risk and accountability.  Events are subject to change due to extenuating circumstances.  Participants in F.I.A.T. events are expected to obey all applicable laws and regulations.  Participants are directly liable for any fines or damage they cause.  Events hosted by other organizations may have fees, restrictions, regulations, and conditions that cover your participation.  F.I.A.T. is not liable for your participation or outcome thereof in any activities.

1 comment:

  1. Is this group still active? I am up in the Florence/ San Tan Valley area and am working on a 1977 Fiat 124 Sport Spider
