Monday, November 10, 2014

"Sunday Drive" Wine Country Cruise - Pictures

What a wonderful day!  We had great people, great cars, perfect weather, fun roads, and - oh, yeah - WINE!

Our first rendezvous point was at the Vail Steakhouse just northeast of I-10 & Wentworth in Vail, AZ.  A few of us got there early and had breakfast. They serve up a a respectable breakfast of ranch hand proportions.  You won't go away hungry!

After everyone arrived and had a photo shoot we headed south to Sonoita via AZ 83.  It was a beautiful drive and the cars had a chance to "stretch their legs."

In Sonoita we met up with Ron and Shirley and their '78 Fiat Spider in front of the Sonoita Mercantile.  They came to say "howdy" but were not able to do the drive with us due to emergent family obligations.  It was great to see them and have a chance for folks to meet up with them.

BTW - This is where the Fiat lost its co-pilot to the Ferrari 365 GTB "just until we get to our next stop."

We were not the only ones cruising southern Arizona's wine country - there was a group of vintage Mercedes enjoying the area, too.  Turns out one of the members in the group races a Pantera.

Our first winery was Arizona Hops & Vines.  This was just short trip down the road from Sonoita crossroads.  The wine was tasty and interestingly paired with various potato chips, cheese curls, and spicy tortilla chips.  It may sound whacky but it was actually pretty good!  The Fiat lost its co-pilot to the Ferrari again.  Who could blame her? 

Could not have said it any better myself!

Our trip to the second winery - Lightning Ridge Cellars - took us to the eastern edge of Elgin and south to meet up with 83 again and then west to the winery.  This leg of the trip gave everyone a little bit of everything from nice straights to open up the throttle to some hilly portions and some nice corners.  Lightning Ridge specializes in Italian style wines.  We were in heaven!  After sampling some wine we noshed on fruit, cheese, and some crackers under the umbrellas on their bocce ball court while soaking up the views and enjoying each others company.  The Fiat got its co-pilot back for the remainder of the trip!

The route to the third winery started off well but took a slight turn when one of the main roads turned out to be gravel for a stretch.  We turned around and did a bit of back-tracking but eventually made it to our destination - Wilhelm Family Vineyards via paved roads.  The place was packed and we found out a bit late that the winery had a Groupon going.  YIKES!  They were understaffed (1 person!!!) but the lone wine steward was busting her butt to keep things moving along (she deserves a raise!).  The wines were interesting and there was quite a variety.  In addition to traditional offerings they also had several Sangria wines to sample and a variety of Port styles to tempt your palate.

Yes - It is a REAL Ferrari 365 Daytona.

We departed into the late afternoon to get home before dusk.  It was another beautiful drive.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the day for the most part and I'll bet we do it again!

A link more pictures taken by the Southern Arizona Panteras club can be found > here.<


Saturday, October 25, 2014

2014 Fall Dinner

October 2014 has been a busy month!  A few car shows, a BBQ, and to wrap it up - the 2014 Fall Dinner.

This year's Fall Dinner was held at Verona Italian Restaurant.  The food and service was really good and the company was great!  The turnout was moderate and just a few Italian cars in the parking lot while others came from work or their Italian car is getting serviced.  It's all good as the most important thing about this event was getting together to share a fine meal and enjoy each other's company and stories.

We're looking forward to November's "Sunday Drive" to southern Arizona's wine country (details coming out soon) and a brew pub meet-up in December to plan out 2015.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

2014 Tucson Classics

The Tucson Classics Car Show is pretty big deal here in southern Arizona.  It is one of what I would call "The Big Three" that occur in our part of the state.  The others are Cars in the Park in Sierra Vista and Annual Collector Car Show in Tubac.

The Italians were represented at this year's Tucson Classics.  One downside is that there was not one Fiat-badged car in the bunch.  Maybe next year!

With the exception of the Southern AZ Pantera Club by proxy not many (any?) of the Italian cars at this year's show belong to formal members here, but it is good to see that these cars are out there.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

SVCC's 2014 Cars in the Park - pictures of the Italian cars

The Sierra Vista Car Club's annual Cars in the Park show is a really nice event!  There were a lot of beautiful cars on display.  There were 332 entries - including 4 Italian cars seen here.  The Fiat 500 Guggi was presented for sale at the show by a local dealership.  The "Faux-rrari" GTO (Datsun 240Z-based kit) took 2nd in the 2-Seat Import class!


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pictures from the 14 September "Picnic on the Peak" Sunday Drive

WOW - What a great event!  This was a joint event with the Southern AZ Panteras club.  We had participants from Phoenix, Sierra Vista, Benson, Nogales, and of course - Tucson.  The turn out was nice.  The weather was a bit warm but no complaints. Traffic was light after Gates Pass and there were no know issues or break downs.  Let's do this again!

Check out the picture albums here
Album 1
Album 2

Thursday, August 21, 2014

September Sunday Drive - Picnic on the Peak! (Updated 07 September)

copyright Kitt Peak National Observatory
Reserve the date - 14 September 2014.  We'll have our Sunday Drive up to Kitt Peak for "Picnic on the Peak."  This is a joint event between the Fun Italian Automobiles of Tucson (FIAT) and the Southern AZ Pantera club.  We'll meet in west Tucson for a drive over Gates Pass and through part of Saguaro National Park West and then head over to the junction of AZ-86 and AZ-386 for a twisty drive up to Kitt Peak for a picnic and self-guided or docent-lead tour of Kitt Peak National Observatory at the top.   Please RSVP > here < so we know how many plan on going and can adjust plans if needed.

This is a non-competitive pay-as-you-go and bring-your-own-basket (BYOB) event. Make sure your car is in good working order as there are no automotive services on the mountain.  Kitt Peak is on the Tohono O'Odham Indian Reservation and all rules and applicable restrictions apply.

For more information about visiting KPNO select > here. <  Check out the KPNO webcam images > here. <

What to bring:
Dress in layers. It could be nice. It could be cold. Might be breezy. Could be hot - although the top of Kitt Peak is typically 20 degrees cooler than Tucson. There will be a chance of showers/rain since the drive will take place while it's still the monsoon season. We'll do a weather check Sunday morning. Pack a lunch, beverages, snacks. Don't forget your sunglasses, camera, binoculars, mobile phone.

Prep your car! Oil, Coolant, Fuel, tire pressure (spare tire, too!). Make sure your jack and tire iron are IN the car! Check/update your emergency kit. Consider bringing extra oil and coolant, duct tape, tow rope, tarp, jumper cables (just in case) and don't forget your AAA card if you have one.

If you don't have your Italian car operational, feel free to drive something else!

The Drive:
Beginning Rendezvous Point: Circle K, 1735 W Speedway Blvd, Tucson AZ 85745. Line up behind Circle K / Autozone (South side - behind buildings).
  • Arrive Time: 10:00 AM
  • Depart Time: 10:30 AM
Scenic Drive: West on Speedway over Gates Pass to Kinney. Left on Kinney. Past Old Tucson Studios to Ajo Way/Highway 86. Right on Highway 86 (west) to Three Points General Store/Chevron. (Approximately 28 miles / 45 minutes)

Rendezvous Point: Three Points General Store, 16225 W Ajo Highway, Tucson, AZ 85735. Food/Fuel
  • Arrive Time: 11:15 AM
  • Depart Time: 11:45 AM
Drive: West on Highway 86 to Junction with AZ386. (Approximately 16 miles / 15 minutes)

Rendezvous Point Junction of AZ86 and AZ386. Gather, assess conditions, determine if staging / staggering is needed.
  • Arrive Time: 12:00 Noon
  • Depart Time: 12:15 PM
Scenic Drive: South on AZ386 to Kitt Peak Observatory Complex. (Approximately 12 miles / 20-25 minutes).

Arrive Kitt Peak main parking lot around 12:30/12:45 PM

Bring your own lunch/beverages. There are picnic tables available at the Complex There are also vending machines available. OPTION: There is a picnic area just west of the Complex but uses a gravel access road. It's in amongst some trees and in near a large radar dish telescope. Outhouse available.

Feel free linger at the Complex and participate in a docent-lead tour or tour on your own. Also feel free to depart at your own leisure.

Planned departure is at 2:00 PM. The Southern AZ Panteras club is planning a return drive back through Saguaro Park West and a “spirited” drive on Sandario Road to Picture Rocks / NW Tucson. The Fun Italian Automobiles of Tucson will likely depart at various times from the complex.

Optional: IF there is interest and using an “every car for themselves” approach, we could regroup at Time Market on University (just west of UA Main Gate) at around 3:30PM for a “cold one” on their patio and then depart for home as everyone sees fit. 

  • All times / distances are approximate and are for planning purposes only.
  • All information, including date, time, routes, etc. is subject to change.
  • This is intended to be a non-competitive event. Participation in this event is at your own discretion and risk. It is assumed that participants will be properly insured and obey applicable laws. Neither the organizers of this event or the Southern AZ Panteras or Fun Italian Automobiles of Tucson clubs assume any liability or responsibility for injury or death that may happen due to your or your guest's participation in this event.
Cars confirmed participating in this Sunday Drive as of 11 September 2014: 3-DeTomaso Panteras, 1-X1/9, 1-Fiat Spider, 1-Thunderbird, 1-Fiat 500L
Potential participants: 1-Lancia Scorpion, 1-Fiat 500 Abarth, 1-Challenger, 1-2014 Corvette, 1-Lamborghini Gallardo

Thursday, August 14, 2014

FIAT Group Meet-up Sunday 17 August 2014

Lancia Scorpion get's a “Thumbs Up!”
UPDATE:  Nice turn-out on Sunday!  Several members from the Southern AZ Panteras club joined us to discuss the upcoming Picnic on the Peak Sunday Drive to Kitt Peak.  We also talked about who is going to Le Bellezze D' Italia in Phoenix and/or Cars in the Park in Sierra Vista - both are on Saturday October 11.

Panteras ready to prowl!
Our upcoming Fall Dinner will be at Romas! This will be a joint event with the Southern AZ Panteras club.  Dave will make the necessary arrangements and a RSVP for that event will come out soon.  

Rally Revival!!!  Remember those time/distance rallies that would end up at a restaurant?  The Southern AZ Panteras club would like to bring those back!  Let's help make that happen.  If you have any experience with this type of event and would like to help in the planning send Dave a note > here. <


Photo:  Tucson Coffee Roasters
Our monthly meet-up will be at Tucson Coffee Roasters.  We'll meet at their Tucson location in the Basha's Shopping Center (3225 N Swan Road ste 111) at the NW corner of Camp Lowell & Swan from 9:00AM to 10:00AM-ish.

Things to discuss are:
  • Tech Day - A member has offered his services to help with oil changes, brakes etc.  Let's pick a day!
  • Picnic on the Peak - Sunday Drive to Kitt Peak September 14, 2014 - This is going to be a shared event with the Southern AZ Panteras club.  We are the primary coordinator for this event. Let's discuss the details of where to meet-up, what to bring, and other logistics.
  • Cars in the Park in Sierra Vista October 11, 2014 - Who is going?  Are you going to show your ride?  Let's go as a group!

If you're not a member but checking out this blog feel free to stop by and say hello!

Looking forward to seeing you at TCR this Sunday morning!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Le Bellezze D' Italia - 11 October in Phoenix, AZ

Celebrating 100 Years of Maserati
The Return of Alfa Romeo to the United States!

A great show with great people, great cars, great music and great food!   Hosted by the Arizona American Italian Club, this show runs 10:00AM - 3:00PM on Saturday October 11, 2014.  For more information about the event, specific location, and to register or volunteer select > here. <
Photo Source: Car & Driver

One of 500 Alfa Romeo 4C Launch Editions will be on display!

Monday, August 4, 2014

FIAT & Pantera Group Meet-Up 03 August 2014

In short:  What a fantastic time!  Southern AZ Panteras and the Fun Italian Automobiles of Tucson clubs got together at Hot Rods in Old Vail.  It was great to meet each other and check out the cars.  The food was good (but slow) and the weather gave us a perfect Arizona evening as the monsoon storms were taking a break for a while.








Additional photos from Jeremy > here. <

Photos from the Southern AZ Panteras club can be found > here.<

Thanks to "Rocky" and everyone at Southern AZ Panteras. We're looking forward to getting these clubs together again!